Friday, July 25, 2003


Falling into darkness
No hands outstretched to catch a broken body
Numbness illudes the pain, no longer feeling

No pain, no emotion, no life
Just bleeding from a open wound
Never ceasing to heal

Pouring on to the floor, infected
Bruising from some past infliction
Carnal understanding for surviving

Beating against the predators
Moving past the numbness
Feeling pain, anger, with that love

Slowly, closing the wound
Leaving a jagged scar
Makes a memory to keep

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Past brought forth
Today, facing it head on

No one to rely on
Just me

Straining has now cause a tear
Trying to heal the gash of vulnerability

Built up to an unnaturel level
My tolerance has grown much too deep

Feeling the burden
But not being able to let go

No one to rely on
Only myself

Monday, July 21, 2003

Seeing past me
A divine acknowledgement
A character unbeknowst

Looking past my facade-
Actually realizing it's a facade
An accomplishment that few ever succed

Driven to understand
Attempting to see me,
The person who I really am

Never accepting my cover
Pushing past my moves
Pinning me, looking at me
Finding who I am.